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Aside from some special commands (typically via plugins), all commands require authentication and some form of level access.


Manual login is supported in the login command by specifying the bot username and password via /msg:

 -- | Msg(Empus) -> yolk: login empus myP@ssw0rd!
 -- | yolk (armour@ login successful. 0 unread notes.


For ircu derived networks such as Undernet & Quakenet, the network ACCOUNT can be used to achieve automatic authentication when the user is authenticated to network services. This means a password is not required and bot authentication can be achieved by simply using the login command on its own in a channel or in privmsg:

(in a channel)

@Empus | y login

(received via /notice)

    -- | yolk (armour@ autologin successful. 0 unread notes.

Joining a channel while authenticated to network services will also cause automatic login on these networks.


Logging yourself out of the bot can be achieved by sending the logout command on its own:

 -- | Msg(Empus) -> yolk: logout
 -- | yolk (armour@ logout successful.

Remote Logout

It is also possible to remotely logout another client by specifying the username and password. This is useful if you have multiple IRC clients, where only one can be authed to the bot at a given time:

-- | Msg(Empus) -> yolk: logout empus myP@ssw0rd!
-- | yolk (armour@ logout successful.

Privileged global users (level 500 in channel *) can remotely logout other users without needing to specify their password:

-- | Msg(Empus) -> yolk: logout MrBob
-- | yolk (armour@ successful logout for user MrBob.


Passwords can be changed using the newpass command via /msg:

Empus | newpass newP@ssw0rd!
 yolk | password changed.