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Command: stats#


Command Default Level Global Only?
stats 1 no


  • Views statistics of whitelist and blacklist database, showing number of entries by type and how many hits on each entry.


stats ?chan?
  • Channel parameter is optional. If not given, the bot will default to the originating channel, the channel the user has the most access in, or lastly, the default Armour channel.


Display statistics:

@Empus | y stats
 @yolk | (whitelist - #newchan) total: 10 hits: 0 -> (user: 7 hits: 0) -- (host: 2 hits: 0) -- (regex: 0 hits: 0) -- (country: 0 hits: 0) -- (asn: 0 hits: 0) -- (chan: 0 hits: 0) -- (rname: 0 hits: 0) -- (text: 1 hits: 0)
 @yolk | (blacklist - #newchan) total: 13 hits: 0 -> (user: 4 hits: 0) -- (host: 5 hits: 0) -- (regex: 3 hits: 0) -- (country: 0 hits: 0) -- (asn: 0 hits: 0) -- (chan: 1 hits: 0) -- (rname: 0 hits: 0) -- (text: 0 hits: 0)

Command Description
cmds List commands available to user
help View the help for a given command
load Load the whitelist and blacklist into memory
rehash Reload script and plugins
restart Full restart the bot, reloading scripts
status Displays bot status including connection info