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Command: showlog#


Command Default Level Global Only?
showlog 500 yes


  • Searches the command activity log


showlog ?chan? [-cmd <cmd>] [-days n] [-user <user>] [-max n] [-last n]
  • Channel parameter is optional. If not given, the bot will default to the originating channel or the default Armour channel.
  • If command is used with a chan and no other parameters, the last 5 commands will be shown relating to that channel.
  • Using -cmd <cmd> will search for uses of that specific command
  • Using -days N will only search for command usage within the last N days
  • Using -user <user> will only match commands issued by the given user
  • Using -max N will return a maximum of N search results
  • Using -last N will search only the last N commands


Search for the last 5 uses of the command add:

@Empus | y showlog -cmd add
 @yolk | [04:18 15/12/22] user: Empus (id: 1) -- cmd: ADD #newchan b host *!foo@* -- bywho: Empus!empus@
 @yolk | [03:09 15/12/22] user: Empus (id: 1) -- cmd: ADD #yolk b u Jane kb spam is not tolerated -- bywho: Empus!empus@
 @yolk | [03:08 15/12/22] user: Empus (id: 1) -- cmd: ADD #yolk b h *!bob@* -- bywho: Empus!empus@
 @yolk | [03:04 15/12/22] user: Empus (id: 1) -- cmd: ADD #yolk b h *!bob@* -- bywho: Empus!empus@
 @yolk | [11:22 14/12/22] user: Empus (id: 1) -- cmd: ADD #newchan black user MrBob,MsJane kb troublesome -- bywho: Empus!empus@
 @yolk | done. 159 results found. please refine your search.

Search for the last 3 commands relating to channel #newchan:

@Empus | y showlog #newchan -max 3
 @yolk | [05:27 15/12/22] user: Empus (id: 1) -- cmd: VIEW #newchan empus -- bywho: Empus!empus@
 @yolk | [05:05 15/12/22] user: Empus (id: 1) -- cmd: REM #newchan 39,5 -- bywho: Empus!empus@
 @yolk | [05:05 15/12/22] user: Empus (id: 1) -- cmd: VIEW #newchan 18 -- bywho: Empus!empus@
 @yolk | done. 71 results found. please refine your search.

Search for the last 2 uses of the command newuser by user Empus:

@Empus | y showlog -cmd newuser -user Empus -max 2
 @yolk | [01:00 15/12/22] user: Empus (id: 1) -- cmd: NEWUSER empfoo empfoo -- bywho: Empus!empus@
 @yolk | [00:47 15/12/22] user: Empus (id: 1) -- cmd: NEWUSER MsJane Jane -- bywho: Empus!empus@
 @yolk | done. 13 results found. please refine your search.

Command Description
cmds List commands available to user or up to a level
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