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Command: update#


Command Default Level Global Only?
update 500 yes


  • Checks for available Armour script updates, via GitHub
  • Ability to install updates, merging config files to retain existing settings
  • Creates script and database backups
  • Ability to restore previous script and database backups
  • Ability to specify specific GitHub repository branch for checks and updates
  • Test mode to download updates but not move working files


update <check|info|install|restore|branches> [branch]
  • Using check will check GitHub for available script update
  • Using info will display the details of the last commit
  • Using install will download and install available script update
  • Using restore will restore previous backup of script and database
  • Using branches will list available GitHub repository branches
  • Specifying a branch will override the configuration branch setting
  • Adding -t will only test the installation but not move working files
  • Adding -f will force the installation, even if version appears current


Check for available script update (but where script is current)

@Empus | y update check
 @yolk | currently running the latest available version (v4.0 -- revision: 2022121400)

Check for available script update (where script is not current):

@Empus | y update check
 @yolk | revision update available! revision: 2022121400 -- version: v4.0 -- branch: 4_0

Display the details of the latest commit

@Empus | y update info
 @yolk | branch: 4_0_beta -- message: new v4.0 build -- commit: 0 days, 02:51:34 ago -- url:

Install available update:

@Empus | y update install
 @yolk | starting script upgrade to version: 4.0 (revision: 20221214 -- branch: 4_0)
 @yolk | script v4.0 (revision: 2022121400) installation tested (runtime: 34 secs -- new config settings: 1)


It is recommended to be watching the partyline with debug logging enabled for the first time one of these updates is applied. Reccommended debug level is 3:

.console +1
.console +2
.console +3


Autmatic (hourly) update checks can be enabled in configuration , as well as automatic installs when updates are found.

Display available script repository branches:

@Empus | y update branches
 @yolk | branch: 4_0_beta -- url: -- commit: 0 days, 20:52:38 ago
 @yolk | branch: master -- url: -- commit: 3 days, 18:20:02 ago
 @yolk | found 2 branches.

Test install from branch named 4_0_beta:

@Empus | y update install 4_0_beta -t
 @yolk | starting script upgrade to version: 4.0 (revision: 20221214 -- branch: 4_0_beta)
 @yolk | script v4.0 (revision: 2022121400) installation tested (runtime: 34 secs -- new config settings: 1)
 @yolk | info: debug mode enabled, update not actually applied.

Install update from branch named 4_0_beta:

@Empus | y update install 4_0_beta
 @yolk | starting script upgrade to version: 4.0 (revision: 20221214 -- branch: 4_0_beta)
 @yolk | script v4.0 (revision: 2022121400) installation tested (runtime: 28 secs -- new config settings: 1)

Test an update without installing new changes:

@Empus | y update install -t
 @yolk | starting script upgrade to version: 4.0 (revision: 2022121400 -- branch: 4_0_beta)
 @yolk | Armour script v4.0 (revision: 2022121400) installation tested (runtime: 32 secs -- files: 110)
 @yolk | info: found 1 available new scan port (25)
 @yolk | info: found 5 available new plugins (tell, trakka, smsbot, push, email)
 @yolk | info: debug mode enabled, update not installed.

Force an update even if github is the same version:

@Empus | y update install -f
 @yolk | starting script upgrade to version: 4.0 (revision: 2022121400 -- branch: 4_0_beta)
 @yolk | Armour script v4.0 (revision: 2022121400) installation tested (runtime: 32 secs -- files: 110)
 @yolk | info: found 1 available new scan port (25)
 @yolk | info: found 5 available new plugins (tell, trakka, smsbot, push, email)
   <-- | yolk ( has quit (Quit: Loading Armour v4.0 (revision: 2022121400))
   --> | yolk ( has joined #armour

Combined Options

Options can be combined. The below example forces an upgrade test to branch 4_0_beta:

@Empus | y update install 4_0_beta -f -t
 @yolk | starting script upgrade to version: 4.0 (revision: 2022121400 -- branch: 4_0_beta)
 @yolk | Armour script v4.0 (revision: 2022121400) installation tested (runtime: 32 secs -- files: 110)
 @yolk | info: found 1 available new scan port (25)
 @yolk | info: found 5 available new plugins (tell, trakka, smsbot, push, email)
 @yolk | info: debug mode enabled, update not installed.

Command Description
cmds List commands available to user or up to level
deploy Deploy a new bot form IRC
help View the help for a given command
rehash Reload script and plugins
restart Full restart the bot, reloading scripts
status Displays bot status including connection info
version Display current script version