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Command: quote#


Command Default Level Global Only?
quote 1 no
  • Requires quote plugin to be loaded, plus channel settings enabled using modchan command:
    • quote setting for quote management
    • quoterand setting for hourly random quotes (on the hour)


  • Channel quote database, to keep a record of memorable quotes and chatter
  • Create, view, and delete quotes
  • View random quotes
  • Output a random quote to a chanel every hour on the hour (when quoterand channel setting is enabled)
  • Track recent chatter to automatically recall quotes without manual copy+paste


quote <add|del|rand|search|stats|view|+|top> <quote|id|pattern|last|num> [-more|nick] [lines]
  • Channel parameter is optional. If not given, the bot will default to the originating channel or the default Armour channel.
  • Using add <quote> will add a quote
  • Using view <id> [-more] will display a quote, optionally showing more information if -more is added
  • Using del <id> will delete a quote
  • Using rand or adding no arguments will display a random quote. Use rand <search> to find random quote by search mask.
  • Using search <mask> will search for quotes
  • Using stats will show quote statistics
  • Using + <id> will upvote a specific quote
  • Using top [N] will show the top voted N quotes
  • Using last <nick1,nick2..> [lines] will automatically add the last N lines that nick(s) spoke



Add a new quote of <Empus> O Captain! My Captain!:

Empus | y quote add <Empus> O Captain! My Captain!
 yolk | done. (id: 1)


Show a random quote:

@Empus | y quote
 @yolk | [id: 1] <Empus> O Captain! My Captain!

Show a random quote:

@Empus | y quote rand
 @yolk | [id: 1] <Empus> O Captain! My Captain!

Show a random quote matching *captain*

@Empus | y quote rand captain
 @yolk | [id: 1] <Empus> O Captain! My Captain!


Display a quote by id of 32:

@Empus | y quote view 1
 @yolk | [id: 1] <Empus> O Captain! My Captain!

Display the same quote with -more information:

@Empus | y quote view 1 -more
 @yolk | [id: 1] <Empus> O Captain! My Captain!
 @yolk | [user: Empus -- bywho: Empus!empus@ -- added: 0 days, 01:43:48]


Delete q quote by id of 3:

@Empus | y quote del 3
 @yolk | done.


Show quote statistics:

@Empus | y quote stats
 @yolk | quotes: 3 -- first: 0 days, 00:02:02 ago -- last: 0 days, 00:00:11 ago
 @yolk | top 10 authed quoters: Empus (2), MrBob (1)

Search for quotes by mask *captain*:

@Empus | y quote search *captain*
 @yolk | [id: 1] <Empus> O Captain! My Captain!
 @yolk | search complete (1 result found).


Upvote quote ID 1:

@Empus | y quote + 1
 @yolk | done. (votes: 1)

@MrBob | y quote + 1
 @yolk | done. (votes: 2)


View the top voted quote:

@Empus | y quote top
 @yolk | [id: 32 -- votes: 1] O Captain! My Captain!

View the top 2 voted quotes:

@Empus | y quote top 2
 @yolk | [id: 1 -- votes: 2] <Empus> O Captain! My Captain!
 @yolk | [id: 2 -- votes: 1] <MrBob> I bend it like Beckham


Add a quote with the last 2 lines spoken from MrBob:

 @MrBob | Hey guys!
 @Empus | hey dude :>
 @MrBob | I had the weirdest dream last night.. but I can't repeat it.
 @Empus | wtf

 @Empus | y quote last MrBob 2
  @yolk | done. (id: 4)

 @Empus | y quote view 4
  @yolk | [id: 4] <MrBob> Hey guys! <MrBob> I had the weirdest dream last night.. but I can't repeat it.

Safety Net

To avoid last including text spoken by the matching user(s) immediately before pressing enter on the command, any lines spoken within the last 2 seconds will first be ignored.

This time window setting is configurable

Add a quote with the last 3 lines spoken from MrBob and MsJane:

 @MrBob | Hey guys!
 @Empus | hey dude :>
 @MrBob | I had the weirdest dream last night!
@MsJane | Was it about me?
 @Empus | haha
 @MrBob | Unfortunately not :(

 @Empus | y quote last MrBob,MsJane 3
  @yolk | done. (id: 5)

 @Empus | y quote view 5
  @yolk | [id: 5] <MrBob> I had the weirdest dream last night!  <MsJane> Was it about me?  <MrBob> Unfortunately not :(

Add a quote with 3 lines spoken from MsJane and MrBob after first removing the most recent 2 lines between them:

 @MrBob | Where are you, MsJane?
@MsJane | The children need me.. Sometimes I could do without them though!
@MsJane | I mean.. wait, what?
 @Empus | heh
@MsJane | I'm here!
@MsJane | What's up MrBob? :)

 @Empus | y quote last MrBob,MsJane 3 2
  @yolk | done. (id: 6)

 @Empus | y quote view 6
  @yolk | [id: 6] <MrBob> Where are you, MsJane?  <MsJane> The children need me.. Sometimes I could do without them though!  <MsJane> I mean.. wait, what?

Multi Lined Quotes

Multi Lines#

Quotes can optionally be split over multiple lines by adding the \n newline separator, for added effect.

 @Empus | y quote add <MrBob> One of these days Alice... one of these days!\n<Alice> Oh, do tell me more.
  @yolk | done. (id: 8)

 @Empus | y quote view 8
  @yolk | [id: 8] <MrBob> One of these days Alice... one of these days!
  @yolk | [id: 8] <Alice> Oh, do tell me more.
Command Shortcuts


Command shortcuts are supported for faster quote management. To use shortcuts, use the first letter of each parameter for add, view, del, search, top, last, top:

Random quote:

@Empus | y q
 @yolk | [id: 1] <Empus> O Captain! My Captain!

Random quote matching *rock*

@Empus | y q r rock
 @yolk | [id: 7 -- votes: 1] <MrBob> I'm a rockstar!

Add quote:

@Empus | y q a <MrBob> I'm a rockstar!
 @yolk | done. (id: 7)

View quote:

@Empus | y q v 7
 @yolk | [id: 7] <MrBob> I'm a rockstar!

Upvote quote:

@Empus | y q + 7
 @yolk | done.

Top 2 quotes:

@Empus | y q t 2
 @yolk | [id: 1 -- votes: 2] <Empus> O Captain! My Captain!
 @yolk | [id: 7 -- votes: 1] <MrBob> I'm a rockstar!

Search quotes:

@Empus | y q s *rock*
 @yolk | [id: 7] <MrBob> I'm a rockstar!
 @yolk | search complete (1 result found).

Delete quote:

@Empus | y q d 7
 @yolk | done.

Last line addition:

@MrBob | I wish I could fly!
@Empus | y q l
 @yolk | done. (id: 8)

Command Description
cmds List available commands
help View the help for a given command
modchan Modify the settings of a channel