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Command: remchan#


Command Default Level Global Only?
remchan 450 yes


  • Removes a channel from the database


Use with care. Removing a channel will result in:

  • all associated channel access, settings, whitelists, and blacklists being deleted.
  • the deletion of entire user records that no longer have access in any other channels


remchan <chan>
  • chan is the channel to be purged.


Remove channel #purged

@Empus | y remchan #purged
 @yolk | (warning) to really purge this channel and any exclusive users, please add -force

Remove channel #purged with confirmation:

@Empus | y remchan #purged -force
 @yolk | done. #purged has disintegrated. 1 users also deleted.


After a channel removal, user accounts will also be deleted if they have no access in any other channels. Use the remchan command with caution!

Command Description
access Check if a user has access in a channel
addchan Register a new channel
adduser Add a user with access to a channel
chanlist List all registered channels
cmds List commands available to user
help View the help for a given command
info View information for a user or channel
modchan Modify the settings of a channel
moduser Modify a user's access in a channel
remuser Remove a user from a channel
usearch Searches for registered usernames
userlist Displays userlist for a channel