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Command: access#


Command Default Level Global Only?
access 1 no


Check whether a user has access in a channel.


  • access level
  • automode (none, op, voice)
  • when they were added to the channel, and by whom


access ?chan? <user>
  • Channel parameter is optional. If not given, the bot will default to the originating channel, the channel the user has the most access in, or lastly, the default Armour channel.
  • Output will list global (chan *) access if the user has that and it's higher than the channel level.


Empus | access
 yolk | usage: access ?chan? <user>
Empus | access #yolk empus
 yolk | chan: * -- user: Empus -- level: 500 -- automode: none
 yolk | added by: Empus!empus@ (Empus) -- when: 2 years, 303 days, 21:36:32 ago
Empus | access empus
 yolk | chan: * -- user: Empus -- level: 500 -- automode: none
 yolk | added by: Empus!empus@ (Empus) -- when: 2 years, 303 days, 21:44:03 ago

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