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Command: moduser#


Command Default Level Global Only?
moduser 400 no


  • Modifies a user's channel or user attributes
  • Modifying a user without an associated channel can change their pass (password) or account (their network username)


    Network accounts are only supported on ircu (or derivative ircds) such as those used on Undernet or Quakenet.

  • Modifying a user against a channel can change their access level, automode action after joining the channel, or channel greeting with greet


moduser ?chan? <user> <level|automode|account|pass|greet> <value>
  • Modifying a user without an associated channel can change their pass (password) or account (their network username)
moduser ?chan? <user> <level|automode|pass|greet> <value>
  • Modifying a user without an associated channel can change their pass (password)
  • Channel parameter is optional. If not given, the bot will default to the originating channel, the channel the user has the most access in, or lastly, the default Armour channel.
  • Modifying a user against a channel can change their access level, automode action after joining the channel, or channel greeting with greet
  • Possible automode actions after joining the channel are op, voice, or take no action (none). Default automode is none. Adjusting automode in global channel * will affect all channels the user joins.


Automatically op user MrBob when joining the channel:

@Empus | y moduser MrBob op
 @yolk | done.

Modify the access level of user MrBob to level 450:

@Empus | y moduser MrBob level 450
 @yolk | done.

Set the greeting for MrBob to The one and all!:

@Empus | y moduser MrBob greet The one and all!
 @yolk | done.

View the resulting user record of MrBob:

@Empus | y access MrBob
 @yolk | chan: #armour -- user: MrBob -- level: 450 -- automode: op
 @yolk | added by: Empus!empus@ (Empus) -- when: 0 days, 00:04:14 ago
 @yolk | greeting: The one and all!

Command Description
access Check if a user has access in a channel
adduser Add a user with access to a channel
cmds List commands available to user
help View the help for a given command
info View information for a user or channel
modchan Modify the settings of a channel
newuser Create a new bot user on behalf of someone else
register Allows a client to create their own bot user
remchan Remove a channel and purge all data
remuser Remove a user from a channel
set Change your own usuer settings
usearch Searches for registered usernames
userlist Displays userlist for a channel