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Command: newuser#


Command Default Level Global Only?
newuser 400 no


  • Create a new bot user to then allow logins and channel access

User Registration

If enabled in configuration , clients can also register their own bot usernames using the register command.


newuser <botuser> <netuser> [globlevel]
  • The botuser field specifies the username in the bot
  • The netuser field specifies the associated network account (e.g., X username on Undernet)
  • The globlevel is the optional global channel access to give the new user. If not provided, the default value in configuration will be used
  • Optionally specify their automode to automatically op, voice, or take no action (none) when they join the channel or login. Default automode is none
newuser <user> [globlevel]
  • The user field specifies the username in the bot
  • The globlevel is the optional global channel access to give the new user. If not provided, the default value in configuration will be used .
  • Optionally specify their automode to automatically op, voice, or take no action (none) when they join the channel or login. Default automode is none


Create new user MrBob with default global level:

@Empus | y newuser MrBob Bob
@yolk | created user MsJane (uid: 19 -- account: Bob -- global level: 1)

Create new user MsJane with global level 400:

@Empus | y newuser MsJane Jane 400
@yolk | created user MsJane (uid: 19 -- account: Jane -- global level: 400)

Create new user MrBob with default global level:

@Empus | y newuser MrBob
@yolk | created user MsJane (uid: 19 -- global level: 1)

Create new user MsJane with global level 400:

@Empus | y newuser MsJane 400
@yolk | created user MsJane (uid: 19 -- global level: 400)

Command Description
access Check if a user has access in a channel
adduser Add a user with access to a channel
cmds List commands available to user
help View the help for a given command
info View information for a user or channel
login Authenticate with the bot to user commands
logout Sign-out from the bot
modchan Modify the settings of a channel
moduser Modify a user's access in a channel
newuser Create a new bot user on behalf of someone else
newpass Change your own password
register Allows a client to create their own bot user
remchan Remove a channel and purge all data
remuser Remove a user from a channel
usearch Searches for registered usernames
userlist Displays userlist for a channel
verify Verify if a client is authenticated