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Command: sing#


Command Default Level Global Only?
sing 1 no
  • Requires openai plugin to be loaded
  • Requires sing plugin to be loaded
  • Requires sing channel setting to be on (per channel)


  • Asks AI generate a song based on a:
    • nickname, by random quotes that reference them (if quote plugin is loaded); or
    • descriptive prompt about the song
  • Produce the song in a video (mp4) or audio (mp3) file


sing (about <nick>|<prompt>) [description]
sing ?chan? <rand|+|view|search|del|top|stats> [id|num]



Generate a song with a prompt:

@Empus | y sing a hip hop song about an alien invasion
 @yolk | Empus: please hold... 🎵 🎵 🎵
 @yolk | [🎵] title: Alien Groove
 @yolk | [🎵] video: -- id: 74

Generate a song about Empus using some random quotes:

@Empus | c sing #phat about Empus
 @yolk | Empus: please hold... 🎵 🎵 🎵
 @yolk | [🎵] title: Empus the Wanderer
 @yolk | [🎵] media: -- id: 75

Generate a song about Empus, in 80s synth style:

@Empus | c sing #phat about Empus in 80s synth style
 @yolk | Empus: please hold... 🎵 🎵 🎵
 @yolk | [🎵] title: Empus in the Digital Night
 @yolk | [🎵] media: -- id: 76


Show a random AI-generated song:

@Empus | c sing random
 @yolk | [sing: 76] user: Empus -- date: 2024-08-04 -- url: -- prompt: about Empus, in 80s synth style


Upvote a specific song of ID 74:

@Empus | c sing + 74
 @yolk | done. (votes: 3)


View a specific song with ID 74:

@Empus | c sing view 74
 @yolk | [sing: 74] user: Empus -- date: 2024-08-04 -- votes: 3 -- url: -- prompt: a hip hop song about an alien invasion


Delete a specific song with ID 77:

@Empus | c sing del 77
 @yolk | done.


View the top voted song:

@Empus | c sing top
 @yolk | [sing: 74] user: Empus -- date: 2024-08-04 -- votes: 3 -- url: -- prompt: a hip hop song about an alien invasion

View the top votes 2 songs:

@Empus | c sing #phat top 2
 @yolk | [sing: 74] user: Empus -- date: 2024-08-04 -- votes: 3 -- url: -- prompt: a hip hop song about an alien invasion
 @yolk | [sing: 76] user: Empus -- date: 2024-08-04 -- votes: 1 -- url: -- prompt: about Empus, in 80s synth style

Search quotes by mask *Empus*:

@Empus | c sing search *Empus*
 @yolk | [sing: 76] user: Empus -- date: 2024-08-04 -- votes: 1 -- url: -- prompt: about Empus, in 80s synth style
 @yolk | search complete (1 result found).


View statistics for all AI-generated songs:

@Empus | c sing stats
@chief | songs: 3 -- first: 0 days, 02:03:45 ago -- last: 0 days, 00:11:40 ago
@chief | top 10 authed requesters: Empus (4), MrBob (2), MrsJane (1)
@chief | expire age: 365 days -- preserving: 1 (quoted), 2 (voted)

Command Description
and Continue per-client conversation
askmode View the help for a given command
image Generate a DALL-E image from description
speak Speak the answer with an audio file
summarise Summarise a person or channel chat into a TTS (text-to-speech) audio file