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Command: mode#


Command Default Level Global Only?
mode 100 no


  • Changes the mode of a channel to affect the automatic scan behaviour when clients join the channel.


mode ?chan? <on|off|secure> [-nomode]
  • Supported modes include:

    • on: automatically scan joining clients (floodnet, whitelist, blacklist, DNSBL, port scan)
    • off: do not automatically scan joining clients
    • seure: set the channel mode to +Dm and periodically find recently joined clients to scan, only voicing the user (making them visible to others) once scans have passed.
    Secure Mode

    Secure mode should only be used on networks using ircu (such as Undernet), as not all ircds support channel mode +D (for delayed joins).

    Ordinarily, enabling secure mode will result in all existing clients in the channel being voiced, as the channel will become moderated.

    Adding -nomode when enabling secure mode or going back to modes on or off will result in no-one being voiced or devoiced, respectively.

mode ?chan? <on|off> [-nomode]
  • Supported modes include:
    • on: automatically scan joining clients (floodnet, whitelist, blacklist, DNSBL, port scan)
    • off: do not automatically scan joining clients
  • Channel parameter is optional. If not given, the bot will default to the originating channel, the channel the user has the most access in, or lastly, the default Armour channel.


View currently enabled mode:

@Empus | y mode
 @yolk | mode is: on

Enable secure mode:

@Empus | y mode secure
    -- | Mode #armour [+mD] by yolk
    -- | Mode #armour [+vv MrBob MsJane] by yolk
 @yolk | done.

Set mode back to on:

@Empus | y mode on
    -- | Mode #armour [-mD] by yolk
    -- | Mode #armour [-vv MrBob MsJane] by yolk
 @yolk | done.

Set mode to secure, without voicing existing users:

@Empus | y mode secure -nomode
    -- | Mode #newchan [+mD] by yolk
 @yolk | done.

Command Description
cmds List commands available to user
help View the help for a given command
scan Scan a client or value against lists and return results