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Command Access

Command Access#

Each command can be configured for the required access level and whether it is accepted via public, privmsg, and DCC access.

This configuration is found in armour.conf

No Command Channels

Note that it is possible to prevent the bot from responding to all public channel commands by populating the configuration setting cfg(chan:nocmd)

Command List#

Armour contains extensive documentation on this website and via help commands on IRC.

All commands are documented on this website via Command List

A user can list commands accessible to them using the cmds command:

@Empus | y cmds
 @yolk | commands: access ack act add addchan adduser and ask askmode asn ban black captcha chanlist chanscan cmds conf country deluser deop deploy devoice die do exempt help idle image info invite ipqs jump kick lang load login logout mod modchan mode moduser newpass newuser note nudge op queue quote register rehash rem remchan remuser restart say scan scanport scanrbl score search set showlog speak stats status tell time topic ub unban update usearch userlist verify version view voice
 @yolk | hint: for web documentation, see:
Web Links

Web documentation is much more detailed than IRC help topics can be.

If the configuration setting cfg(help:web) is enabled, the bot will also output links for web documentation.

If the configuration setting cfg(help:webonly) is enabled, the bot will only provide command usage and required level in the help command, plus the web link. This is the recommended approach to improve the quality of guidance and reduce excessive clutter in channels.

It is also possible to list commands accessible to users up to a certain access level, by adding the level to the cmds command. This can be useful if unfamiliar with the level requirements before adding a new user to a channel using the adduser command.

@Empus | y cmds 100
 @yolk | commands: access ack add and ask askmode asn ban cmds country deop devoice exempt help idle image info invite ipqs kick lang login logout mode newpass note nudge op queue quote register scan scanport scanrbl score search set speak stats status tell time topic ub unban verify version view voice
 @yolk | hint: for web documentation, see:

Alternatively, all available commands can be returned via /notice by appending levels to the cmds command:

@Empus | y cmds levels
 @yolk | response sent via /notice.

(received via /notice)

-- | yolk: Level 500: act conf deploy die do say showlog update
-- | yolk: Level 450: addchan deluser jump load modchan rehash remchan restart
-- | yolk: Level 400: adduser chanlist moduser newuser remuser usearch userlist
-- | yolk: Level 300: captcha chanscan rem
-- | yolk: Level 200: black mod
-- | yolk: Level 100: add ban deop devoice invite kick mode op topic ub unban voice
-- | yolk: Level 1: access ack and ask askmode asn cmds country exempt help idle image info ipqs lang note nudge queue scan scanport scanrbl score search set speak stats status tell time verify version view
-- | yolk: Level 0: login logout newpass quote register
-- | yolk: hint: for web documentation, see:

Command Help#

Detailed help for every command is available via:

Command Help