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Command: view#


Command Default Level Global Only?
view 100 no


  • View an existing entry from the whitelist or blacklist


view ?chan? <id>
  • Channel parameter is optional. If not given, the bot will default to the originating channel, the channel the user has the most access in, or lastly, the default Armour channel.
  • The id is the ID number of the list entry to remove. These IDs are referenced in kick reasons for blacklist entries and opnotices or report channel notices for whitelist entries.


View an existing list entry using ID 91:

@Empus | y view 91
 @yolk | list match: blacklist host: *!bob@* (id: 91 chan: #yolk action: kickban hits: 0 added: 0 days, 00:00:07 ago by: Empus!empus@ reason: abuse)

View entries 81 and 82:

@Empus | y view 81,82
 @yolk | list match: blacklist host: *!~* (id: 81 chan: #newchan action: kickban hits: 0 added: 0 days, 23:13:17 ago by: Empus!empus@ reason: abuse)
 @yolk | list match: whitelist user: * (id: 82 chan: #newchan action: accept hits: 0 flags: silent added: 0 days, 20:52:38 ago by: Empus!empus@ reason: Authenticated user)


Command shortcuts are supported for faster entry management. Removals can also be achieved using v in place of view:

@Empus | y v 91
 @yolk | list match: blacklist host: *!bob@* (id: 91 chan: #yolk action: kickban hits: 0 added: 0 days, 00:00:07 ago by: Empus!empus@ reason: abuse)

Command Description
add Add a whitelist or blacklist entry to database
help View the help for a given command
chanscan Scans the entire channel and acts upon matches
cmds List commands available to user
mod Modifies the settings of a list entry
rem Remove a list entry
search Search for whitelist & blacklist entries
scan Scan a client or value against lists and return results