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Command: version#


Command Default Level Global Only?
version 1 no


  • Displays current Armour script version
  • Checks if there are any available script updates, and displays the status




Check version when current:

@Empus | y version
 @yolk | version: Armour v4.0 (revision: 2022121300 -- status: current)

Check version when outdated:

@Empus | y version
 @yolk | version: Armour v4.0 (revision: 2022121300 -- status: older than 4_0 branch)
 @yolk | update is available! to update, use: update install

Command Description
cmds List commands available to user or up to level
help View the help for a given command
rehash Reload script and plugins
restart Full restart the bot, reloading scripts
update Check, update, and restore script versions