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Command: unban#


Command Default Level Global Only?
unban 100 no


  • Kickbans a client from a channel with the given reason as the kick message


unban ?chan? <nick1,mask1,nick2,mask2,mask3...>
  • Channel parameter is optional. If not given, the bot will default to the originating channel, the channel the user has the most access in, or lastly, the default Armour channel.
  • Multiple clients or banmasks can be specified in one command by comma delimiting them


Kickban client MrBob using default reason:

@Empus | y unban MrBob 
    -- | Mode #newchan [-b *!~*] by yolk

Unban MrBob by specifying hostmask:

@Empus | y unban *!~*
    -- | Mode #newchan [-b *!~*] by yolk

Unban client MrBob and MsJane using their hostmasks:

@Empus | y unban !~*,*!*
    -- | Mode #newchan [-bb *!~* *!*] by yolk


  • If enabled, u and ub can also be used as a shortcut to the unban command
  • Configuration file setting can be used to determine whether bot sets channel kicks and bans, or sends them through X (which can be faster)

Command Description
cmds List commands available to user
add Add a channel blacklist or whitelist entry
black Shortcut to add a blacklist entry for a user
cmds List commands available to user or up to a level
exempt Tempoarily exempt a client from channel join scans
help View the help for a given command
invite Invite clients to a channel
kick Kick clients from a channel
unban Remove channel bans