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Command: scan#


Command Default Level Global Only?
scan 1 no


  • Scans a client or value against whitelist or blacklist, DNSBLs, and port scanner.


scan ?chan? <nick|host|ip|mask|account|asn>
  • Channel parameter is optional. If not given, the bot will default to the originating channel, the channel the user has the most access in, or lastly, the default Armour channel.
  • If a nick is given, the host and IP will be derived, performing all scans.
  • If a mask (hostmask) is given, it will be scanned against whitelist and blacklist entries of type host
  • If an account is given, it will be scanned against whitelist and blacklist entries of type xuser (network account)

Network Accounts

Network accounts are only supported on networks using ircu such as Undernet or Quakenet.
  • If an asn (Autonomous System Number is given, it will be scanned against whitelist and blacklist entries of type asn


Find against entries matching *foo*:

@Empus | y scan #newchan *!foo@*
 @yolk | list match: whitelist user: *!foo@* (id: 82 chan: #newchan action: accept hits: 0 flags: silent added: 0 days, 17:38:42 ago by: Empus!empus@ reason: Friend)
 @yolk | list match: blacklist host: *!foo@* (id: 94 chan: #newchan action: kickban hits: 0 added: 0 days, 00:11:36 ago by: Empus!empus@ reason: abuse)
 @yolk | scan complete (results: 2 -- runtime: 0.007 sec)

Match entries against nick MrBob:

@Empus | y scan empfoo
 @yolk | list match: whitelist user: * (id: 82 chan: #newchan action: accept hits: 0 flags: silent added: 0 days, 17:42:04 ago by: Empus!empus@ reason: Authenticated user)
 @yolk | scan complete (results: 1 -- runtime: 0.0 sec)

Match entries against IP address

@Empus | y scan #newchan
 @yolk | dnsbl match: desc: IRCBL (ip: score: 1 info: 1)
 @yolk | scan complete (results: 1 -- runtime: 0.14 sec)

Command Description
add Add a whitelist or blacklist entry to database
cmds List commands available to user
help View the help for a given command
chanscan Scans the entire channel and acts upon matches
mod Modifies the settings of a list entry
rem Remove a list entry
search Search for whitelist & blacklist entries
view View an existing list entry