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Command: note#


Command Default Level Global Only?
note 1 no


  • Notes system to send and receive messages between users


note <send|view|rem> <user|id|*> [note]
  • To send a note, use: note send <user|id|*> <note|-all>
  • To view a note, use: note view <id|*> [-all]
  • To delete a note, use: note rem <id|*> [-all]
  • Using the -all parameter with view or rem will also include previously read notes


Send note to user MrBob with message Remember to update the website!

@Empus | y note send MrBob Rmember to update the website!
 @yolk | done. (id: 160)

Global Notes

To send a note to all bot users, specify * as the user.

Global command level must meet the configured minumum (default: 450)

If MrBobis online at the time, they will receive a '/notice` from the bot:

-yolk- (note from Empus -- id: 160): Remember to update the website!

The note can also be viewed manually by MrBob:

@Empus | y note view 160
 @yolk | [ inbox] (unread - id: 160):  [01:38 15/12/22] from: Empus -- to: empfoo -- note: Rmember to update the website! 

To view all notes in box, MrBob can view *:

@Empus | y note view *
 @yolk | [ inbox] (unread - id: 160):  [01:38 15/12/22] from: Empus -- to: empfoo -- note: Remember to update the website!
 @yolk | [ inbox] (unread - id: 159):  [01:01 15/12/22] from: Empus -- to: empfoo -- note: You have been given access to #yolk (level: 1 -- automode: none)
 @yolk | done. 2 notes found.

To delete the note with ID 160, MrBob can use:

@Empus | y note del 160
 @yolk | done.

The note will now be deleted:

@Empus | y note view *
 @yolk | inbox empty.

To view all notes in the inbox including unread notes, use:

@Empus | y note view * -all
 @yolk | [ inbox] (  read - id: 161):  [01:41 15/12/22] from: Empus -- to: empfoo -- note: testing notice
 @yolk | [ inbox] (  read - id: 159):  [01:01 15/12/22] from: Empus -- to: empfoo -- note: You have been given access to #yolk (level: 1 -- automode: none)
done. 2 notes found.

To delete all notes including previously read ones, use:

@Empus | y note rem * -all
 @yolk | done.

All notes will now be deleted:

@Empus | y note view * -all
 @yolk | inbox empty.

Command Description
cmds List commands available to user
help View the help for a given command
newuser Create a new bot user on behalf of someone else
register Allows a client to create their own bot user
usearch Searches for registered usernames
userlist Displays userlist for a channel