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Command: modchan#


Command Default Level Global Only?
modchan 450 no


  • Modification of channel settings:
    • mode: the scanner mode for clients joining the channel: on, off, secure. See command: mode
    • desc: the channel description
    • url: the website URL of the channel
  • Options to take a value of on or off:
    • autotopic: automatically set the topic using the channel desc and url
    • floatlim: automatically manage the channel limit, to avoid large floodnets
      • floatperiod: frequency (in seconds) to check for chan limit adjustments
      • floatmargin: keep the chan limit this value above the current user count
      • floatgrace: only change the limit when the difference between current limit and suercount is within this value
    • strictop: only allow authenticated users level 100 or above to be opped
    • stricvoice: only allow authenticated users level 1 or above to be voiced
    • trakka: enable scoring and enforcement of unknown users.
    • operop: automatically op joining IRC Operators and send notice to channel ops
    • quote: channel quote management. Requires the quote plugin to be loaded. See command: quote
    • quoterand: send a random quote to the channel every hour. Requires the quote setting to be on
    • openai: ask questions and continue conversations with OpenAI ChatGPT. See: ask
    • image: generate images with OpenAI DALL-E model. See: image
    • imagerand: send a random image to the channel every hour. Requires the image setting to be on
    • correct: allow regex corrections of the last matching channel line. Requires the quote plugin to be loaded.
    • tweet: enable the tweet command in the channel
    • tweetquote: automatically post added quotes to Twitter


modchan ?<chan|*> <mode|url|desc|autotopic|floatlim|floatperiod|floatmargin|floatgrace|strictop|strictvoice|trakka|correct|operop|quote|quoterand|openai|image|imagerand|tweet|tweetquote> <value>
  • Channel parameter is optional. If not given, the bot will default to the originating channel, the channel the user has the most access in, or lastly, the default Armour channel.


Set url to

@Empus | y modchan url
 @yolk | done.

Set channel description to Armour -- abuse and channel management script for eggdrop bots:

@Empus | y modchan desc Armour -- abuse and channel management script for eggdrop bots
 @yolk | done.

Enable autotopic in #newchan:

@Empus | y modchan #newchan autotopic on
 @yolk | done.

Enable strictop in #newchan:

@Empus | y modchan #newchan strictop on
 @yolk | done.

Enable trakka client scoring and actions:

@Empus | y modchan trakka on
 @yolk | done.
!!! info "Requires the trakka plugin to be loaded

Enable string correction responses:

@Empus | y modchan correct on
 @yolk | done.

Requires the quote plugin to be loaded (but not necessarily enabled on a channel)


String corrections will be made against the most recent matching line from any client in the channel. Examples:

Replace soccer with football:

@Empus | This soccer World Cup has been a wild ride.
@Empus | s/soccer/football/
 @yolk | correction, <Empus> This football World Cup has been a wild ride.

Remove the text don't:

@MrBob | My wife seems upset with me... I don't know why.
@Elmo  | uh oh!
@Empus | s/don't //
 @yolk | correction, <MrBob> My wife seems upset with me... I know why.
@Empus | haha.  Seems more likely :>

View channel settings:

@Empus | y info #armour
  yolk | chan: #armour (id: 5) -- manager: Empus
  yolk | mode: on -- autotopic: on -- quote: on -- trakka: on -- correct: on
  yolk | url:
  yolk | desc: Armour -- abuse and channel management script for eggdrop bots
  yolk | registered: 4 days, 04:41:56 -- by: Empus!empus@ (Empus)

Command Description
addchan Register and join a new channel
cmds List commands available to user
access Check if a user has access in a channel
adduser Add a user with access to a channel
help View the help for a given command
info View information for a user or channel
moduser Modify a user's access in a channel
newpass Change your own user password
newuser Create a new bot user on behalf of someone else
register Allows a client to create their own bot user
remchan Remove a channel and purge all data
remuser Remove a user from a channel
usearch Searches for registered usernames
userlist Displays userlist for a channel