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Command: info#


Command Default Level Global Only?
info 1 no


  • Displays information about:
  • users: account, email, klanguages, channel access, lastseen
  • channels: maanger(s), current scan mode, settings


info ?chan? <user|chan>
  • The first ?chan? parameter is optional. If not given, the bot will default to the originating channel, the channel the user has the most access in, or lastly, the default Armour channel.


Display information about user Empus:

@Empus | y info empus
@yolk | user: Empus -- account: Empus -- languages: EN ES -- access: global (500), #armour (500), #newchan (500)
@yolk | email: -- lastseen: now (authed 0 days, 23:11:13 ago) -- where: Empus!empus@
@Empus | y info empus
@yolk | user: Empus -- languages: EN ES -- access: global (500), #armour (500), #newchan (500)
@yolk | email: -- lastseen: now (authed 0 days, 23:11:13 ago) -- where: Empus!empus@

Display information about channel #armour:

@Empus | y info #armour
 @yolk | chan: #armour (id: 3) -- manager: Empus
 @yolk | mode: on strictop: off strictvoice: off trakka: off
 @yolk | url:
 @yolk | desc: Armour -- an advanced eggdrop channel protection script for IRC

Command Description
access Check if a user has access in a channel
adduser Add a user with access to a channel
chanlist List all registered channels
cmds List commands available to user
help View the help for a given command
modchan Modify the settings of a channel
moduser Modify a user's access in a channel
remchan Remove a channel and purge all data
remuser Remove a user from a channel
usearch Searches for registered usernames
userlist Displays userlist for a channel
verify Verify if a client is authenticated