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Command: image#


Command Default Level Global Only?
image 1 no
  • Requires openai plugin to be loaded and image setting enabled on each channel
  • Image text overlays (optional feature) require ImageMagick installed on machine


  • Generates an image using OpenAI DALL-E with the provided description
  • Tracks images in database, allowing future recall, deletion, voting, and statistics
  • Images with votes (or referenced in quotes) will not be flushed after configured expiry time
  • Output a random image to a chanel every 3hrs at 30mins past the hour (when imagerand channel setting is enabled)


image <rand|vote|view|search|del|top|stats|description> [id|num]


  • image rand
  • image vote <id>
  • image view <id>
  • image search <pattern> ?-user|-nick <source>?
  • image del <id>
  • image top [num]
  • image stats
  • image <description>


Enable channel image setting

@Empus | y modchan image on
 @yolk | done.

Enable regular images (every 3 hours at 30 mins past the hour)

@Empus | y modchan imagerand on
 @yolk | done.

Ask question to OpenAI, with spoken response

@Empus | y image A cat wearing sunglasses on a mountain
 @yolk | Empus: (id: 1)


Show random image

@Empus | y image rand
 @yolk | [image: 5] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- url: -- prompt: a cat wearing a sombrero


View a specific image

@Empus | y image view 6
 @yolk | [image: 6] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- votes: 1 -- url: -- prompt: a dog on a mountain wearing sunglasses and a sombrero

Search for images

Empus | y image search *sunglasses*
@yolk | [image: 6] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- votes: 2 -- url: -- prompt: a dog on a mountain wearing sunglasses and a sombrero
@yolk | [image: 9] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- url: -- prompt: bear wearing sunglasses and drinking a beer
@yolk | search complete (2 results found).

Search for images generated by user Empus

@Empus | y image search * -user Empus
 @yolk | [image: 2] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- votes: 3 -- url: -- prompt: cat wearing a sombrero
 @yolk | [image: 6] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- votes: 2 -- url: -- prompt: a dog on a mountain wearing sunglasses and a sombrero
 @yolk | [image: 7] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- votes: 1 -- url: -- prompt: frog smoking a cigarette while wearing a French beret
 @yolk | too many results found (4), please refine search.


Recall image statistics

@Empus | y image stats
 @yolk | images: 5 -- first: 0 days, 01:53:11 ago -- last: 0 days, 00:23:45 ago
 @yolk | top 10 authed requesters: Empus (3), MrBob (2)


Cast vote for an image

@Empus | y image vote 2
 @yolk | done. (votes: 3)


View top voted image

@Empus | y image top
 @yolk | [image: 2] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- votes: 3 -- url: -- prompt: cat wearing a sombrero

View top voted 3 images

Empus | y i top 3
@yolk | [image: 2] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- votes: 3 -- url: -- prompt: cat wearing a sombrero
      | [ ]
@yolk | [image: 6] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- votes: 2 -- url: -- prompt: a dog on a mountain wearing sunglasses and a sombrero
      | [ ]
@yolk | [image: 7] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- votes: 1 -- url: -- prompt: frog smoking a cigarette while wearing a French beret


Delete an image

@Empus | y image del 3
 @yolk | done. deleted 1 image.

Command Shortcuts


Command shortcuts are supported for faster quote management. To use shortcuts, use the first letter of each parameter for add, view, del, search, top, top:

Random image:

@Empus | y i r
 @yolk | [image: 7] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- url: -- prompt: frog smoking a cigarette while wearing a French beret

Generate a new image:

@Empus | y i cat wearing sunglasses on a mountain
 @yolk | Empus: (id: 1)    

View a specific image:

@Empus | y i v 2
 @yolk | [image: 2] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- votes: 3 -- url: -- prompt: cat wearing a sombrero    

Search for images

Empus | y i s *sunglasses*
@yolk | [image: 6] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- votes: 2 -- url: -- prompt: a dog on a mountain wearing sunglasses and a sombrero
@yolk | [image: 9] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- url: -- prompt: bear wearing sunglasses and drinking a beer
@yolk | search complete (2 results found).

View multiple images:

@Empus | y i v 2,6
 @yolk | [image: 2] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- votes: 3 -- url: -- prompt: cat wearing a sombrero
 @yolk | [image: 6] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- votes: 1 -- url: -- prompt: a dog on a mountain wearing sunglasses and a sombrero    

Delete a specific image:

@Empus | y i d 5
 @yolk | done. deleted 1 image.

Delete multiple images:

@Empus | y i d 7,8,12
 @yolk | done. deleted 3 images.

Vote for an image:

@Empus | y image + 3
 @yolk | done. (votes: 1)

Display top voted image:

@Empus | y i t
 @yolk | [image: 2] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- votes: 3 -- url: -- prompt: cat wearing a sombrero

Display top voted 3 images:

Empus | y i t 3
@yolk | [image: 2] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- votes: 3 -- url: -- prompt: cat wearing a sombrero
@yolk | [image: 6] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- votes: 2 -- url: -- prompt: a dog on a mountain wearing sunglasses and a sombrero
@yolk | [image: 7] user: Empus -- date: 2023-11-28 -- votes: 1 -- url: -- prompt: frog smoking a cigarette while wearing a French beret    

Natural Conversation

When cfg(ask:cmdnick) is enabled, OpenAI queries can be sent in natural conversation form by using the bot's nickname as the prefix. Note that enabling this setting will mean botnick prefixes will not work for other commands.

Prompts include:

  • create an image
  • create a pic
  • create a picture
  • generate an image
  • generate a pic
  • generate a picture
  • make an image
  • make a pic
  • make a picture
Empus | yolk: create an image of a cat wearing sunglasses on a mountain
 yolk | Empus: (id: 2)

Empus | yolk: make a pic of a gorilla wearing a top hat
 yolk | Empus: (id: 3)

Empus | yolk: generate a picture of a psychedelic beach with rainbow in the background
 yolk | Empus: (id: 4)

Command Description
and Continue per-client conversation
askmode View the help for a given command
image Generate a DALL-E image from description
modchan Modify the settings of a channel
speak Speak the answer with an audio file