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Command: help#


Command Default Level Global Only?
help 0 no


  • Provides help on a given command


help <command>
  • If no parameter is given, the user will be presented with tips on how to list commands using cmds


Provide tips on how to list commands:

@Empus | y help
 @yolk | hint: for a command list, try: 'cmds [level]', or 'cmds levels' for per level summary, or view:

Show help for command newuser

@Empus | y help newuser
 @yolk | command: newuser -- level: 400 -- usage: newuser <user> <xuser> [globlevel]
 @yolk | registers a new user with the bot with the given network account. autologin will be attempted immediately, if they are online and authenticated to network services
 @yolk | global level is optional otherwise the configured default will be automatically applied.

Documentation Links

Returning only usage and web link can be enabled via configuration setting

@Empus | y help newuser
 @yolk | command: newuser -- level: 400 -- usage: newuser <user> <xuser> [globlevel]
 @yolk | global level is optional otherwise the configured default will be automatically applied.

Command Description
cmds List available commands
help View the help for a given command